Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sleep deprived...

When one of the girls doesn't sleep for a couple of nights and pulls at her ears...I am SURE that she MUST have an ear infection!
Reese hasn't been sleeping very well at night. So, I took care of the problem last night! I gave her Motrin, teething tablets & Orajel in an attempt to solve the problem. My solution didn't work well at all! I think that Reese finally went to sleep at 11 last night! So, I took her to the dr today, and she said that she looked GREAT! In fact, her ears were perfect! WHAT?? I just knew that one or both were infected!
The VERDICT...Must be the teeth or the age!
Let's hope it gets better cause Momma needs some sleep!

1 comment:

The Daily Stroll said...

I use the same three weapons of choice when I think Jonah is sick! I figure those three meds should cover all the basic toddler ailments to ensure a good night's sleep! I hope it's just teething though. Could her tummy be upset? I know sometimes the drainage can cause an upset stomach. Mylicon might help also.