Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year...

From our family to yours!

I hope you all had a very nice holiday and enjoyed your time with family and friends! I know that we did!

Lots of pictures to come!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tis the Season...

I am just a little behind after a busy weekend! Johnny and I went out to dinner and to do a little shopping on Friday, his company Family Christmas Party on Saturday & the Cowboys game on Sunday!

Before all of that, Ashton's Christmas Program and Party was on Friday! She did a very good job singing, and the party was a lot of fun too! They had Krispy Kreme donuts, and Reese was excited to get one too! Then, one of the Moms read the Christmas story, did a very cute wooden plaque that the kids got to decorate with sequins (I love it!), played pin the star on the Christmas tree and did a book exchange! Ashton was very excited about her new Enchanted book! Now, we really need to go see the movie! Oh yeah, the picture of the little boy is Gavin! He was Ashton's boyfriend for a short time, but he is now Erin's boyfriend. Ashton said that she doesn't like Erin anymore because she stole her boyfriend! How funny is that! He is going to be a heartbreaker one day with those eyes! Little cutie!
Can you believe that Christmas is only 1 week from today? WOW!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Why won't it go?

I don't think that Reese realizes just how small the remote control barbie car is! Funny girl!

Friday, December 7, 2007

PJ Day

Today was PJ Day at Ashton's school, and they also got to watch Eddie Coker in concert! I haven't ever seen him, but I have heard that the music he sings is very silly and a lot of fun! We bought a CD so I will be all too familiar here pretty soon!

TGIF baby...Hope you all have a fun weekend!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Magic Elf

I forgot to tell you all about our Magic Elf! He showed up on the morning of December 1st with the Magic Elf book and a surprise for Ashton and for Reese! The elf listens all day long, reports the behavior to Santa, moves to a new spot & brings a surprise to the long as they were good girls!! Ashton was SO excited when she found the elf the first day, and she wants to go to bed at night so that she can find the elf the next day!!

What a fun tradition!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Santa Baby!

We went to visit Santa twice over the weekend! The first time, we stood in line for at least 30 minutes (if not longer) at the Breakfast with Santa at Ashton's school. I sat Reese in Santa's lap, and she was not so sure. She just looked up at him like "WHO are you?"

The second visit was at Willowbend Mall. We were already in Plano Sunday afternoon for family pictures. I suggested that we should head to the mall since it would probably be a slow time for Santa pictures. We lucked out because there was only 1 other person in line when we got there! WOO HOO! I will definitely try to do that again next year! Anyways, Reese was not impressed with Santa! In fact, she thought that he was a little scary!

She has now been saying Santa over and over anytime she sees a picture, ornament, etc. of Santa! Too cute!!

Hope you are also enjoying all of the fun memories of the Holiday Season!!