We were in such a good routine of sleep, and I think that I messed it up! Maybe its just teething, but I am blaming myself. I FINALLY decided to get back to the gym this week. I have been 2 times so far, and I am planning to go tomorrow morning! The only problem is that the girls can't seem to get "in sync" as far as sleeping! Reese normally gets up at 7 or 7:30, and Ashton gets up at 8 or 8:30. So, Reese is almost ready for a nap by the time we are all ready to go to the gym. I decided that she will adapt, and we just went to the gym on Monday and Tuesday. The end result...She took a morning nap, NO afternoon nap and woke at 5:30 2 days in a row! Ugghh!! We got back on track yesterday, and she slept until 7:45 this morning. I put her down at 9:15. 30 minutes of crying. Gave her a dose of tylenol IN CASE her tooth might be hurting. Finally got her up and gave her a bath. She FINALLY went to sleep a little after 10! GREAT. Not so much. We have to leave at 10:40 for gymnastics and then out to lunch with friends! Oh well. The life of the second child (I guess)...
Will I ever get back into shape? Maybe so. I guess we will all have to lose a little sleep in the process!
Sleep is overrated anyway, isn't it? Good luck getting into a routine again...you'll get there!
I can't wait for all of this to start! I went to bed at 9:30 last night and woke up at 9:30 thing morning. I am going to be in for such a culture shock!
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