I definitely worried way too much!! The girls did great on the flight even considering the circumstances. Reese played with a couple of her toys, had a snack and watched a little bit of Annie on the way before she crashed out! YEA. On the way back, we boarded the plane at 6:20 for our 6:50 flight. It was beginning to rain shortly before we boarded. After everyone got settled on the plane, it began to rain harder and the lightening began. They loaded the luggage during the breaks from the lightening (which continued off and on). Just as it would stop, they would announce that they would finish loading the luggage and we would be on our way! Ooops...Just kidding....It is lightening again! This went on and on until we were finally able to take off at 9:00. So, we were also going to miss our connecting flight from Houston to Dallas. We arrived in Houston a little after 10, and we rushed through the airport with 2 sleeping children, a stroller and our 3 carry-ons trying to make the 10:20 flight before it was full! Thank goodness, we made it! So, we arrived in Dallas at about 11:45, and we got home at 12:45! What a day!!
More to come (and pics) of our fun trip tomorrow! Off to bed!!