Monday, May 21, 2007

Just 3 nights...

Ashton and her friend, Anna, have something in common! They both LOVE to come to their parents bed in the middle of the night. Well, Anna's parents made a deal that they could go to Chuck-e-Cheese if she slept in her bed ALL night for 3 nights in a row. After playing with Anna last week, Ashton thought that we should try it out too! Not a bad idea! She did very well, and she slept in her bed Thursday, Friday and Saturday night! YEA!! So, we convinced her that Gatti Town would be just as much fun, and we headed there for dinner last night!! She had a lot of fun and got some great prizes too!!

She also slept in her bed all night last night too! I suggested Maggie Moo's next, but she REALLY wants to go to Chuck-e-Cheese! Hey, if we can get into a routine and all get more sleep...I am all for it!!

Hope you all had a good weekend!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Well I bribed with My Little Ponies. Whatever works!